Energy saving tips and everything...
Like people say,every drop counts for an it is! Its all upon us how we take responsibility to save every bit of energy around.. For our off springs/coming generations at-least! By turning off those appliances which we don't use,by converting one form to another..everything we can do ! Turn off the applications when not in use..even chargers. Always try to use lappy's, desktop computers on a ' low energy mode '. Try to switch off fans or lights,when leaving the room/home. Switch off A.c when you think you're about to leave the room/premises in a short time. A general observation concludes that electronics should be replaced/upgraded as soon as possible for more profits. Maximize the use of ' fluorescent ' lamps or low power consuming bulbs/lights. Avoid usind dryers unless there is dire need (Cuz' there are many consumed plus no replacement of fresh air! in washing machines). Replace car oil as soon as possible...