A cold ‘weather’ coming...

THERE is overkill in reporting the vagaries of the weather in Britain.

So far, the weather in the United Kingdom this winter has been unusually cold. Satellite maps have shown the whole country covered in the snow. There has been much discussion about the extent to which roads and footpaths have (or have not) been treated with salt and grit. In general, motorways have been kept open, but it has proved possible to treat all the roads. A number of schools have been closed for several because of travel difficulties of students and staff as well. There have been many accidents causing injuries even some deaths...

“Making the most of it...”

So far this winter, there really has been something to talk about, to justify our obsession and we are making the most of it.

News bulletins on T.V & radio have been providing short & long term forecasts. Media covers most of the news with giving of warnings and some advices. Sometimes useful, but sometimes feels like we live an extremely dependable life...which can’t be completed without media. In that sense, the media makes the most of it. Surely, we chunter, we know without being told that it is possible to slip on ice. We know that in cold weather it is sensible to wear warm clothes.

 How weather is presented to us is of course, like other aspects of our daily lives, very much a matter of context. In the past few weeks, I have been thinking quite a lot about that, and thinking in particular about how dramatically the context has changed my thought process.

Weather is not the only the main concern...Besides that, there are perspectives and many fundamental differences between the way things were organized then, and the way are now, and those differences are a major factors in drawing comparisons.

The point is that conditions were not so worse in the past, but will continue to worsen if not acted responsibly towards this ‘weather change’. It is important that we set what is happening properly in the context.


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